Guida di Hubzilla


    Database updates

    In the /admin/dbsync page the administrator can check if any update was not successful and, if so, retry it.

    If an update has failed but doesn't register as failed for some reason, the administrator can attempt to re-execute the update. For example for DB update #1999, by visiting the webpage:

    Database Tables

    abconfigarbitrary storage for connections of local channels
    abookconnections of local channels
    accountservice provider account
    addonregistered plugins
    apppersonal app data
    attachfile attachments
    auth_codesOAuth usage
    cacheOEmbed cache
    calCalDAV containers for events
    channellocal channels
    chatchat room content
    chatpresencechannel presence information for chat
    chatroomdata for the actual chat room
    clientsOAuth usage
    configmain configuration storage
    convDiaspora private messages meta conversation structure
    pgrp_memberprivacy groups (collections), group info
    pgrpprivacy groups (collections), member info
    hookplugin hook registry
    hublocxchan location storage, ties a hub location to an xchan
    iconfigextensible arbitrary storage for items
    issuefuture bug/issue database
    itemall posts and webpages
    item_id(deprecated by iconfig) other identifiers on other services for posts
    likeslikes of 'things'
    mailprivate messages
    menuwebpage menu data
    menu_itementries for webpage menus
    objobject data for things (x has y)
    outqoutput queue
    pconfigpersonal (per channel) configuration storage
    photophoto storage
    polldata for polls
    poll_elmdata for poll elements
    profdefcustom profile field definitions
    profextcustom profile field data
    profilechannel profiles
    profile_checkDFRN remote auth use, may be obsolete
    registerregistrations requiring admin approval
    sessionweb session storage
    sharesshared item information
    signDiaspora signatures.  To be phased out.
    sitesite table to find directory peers
    sourcechannel sources data
    sys_permsextensible permissions for OAuth
    termitem taxonomy (categories, tags, etc.) table
    tokensOAuth usage
    updatesdirectory sync updates
    verifygeneral purpose verification structure
    votevote data for polls
    xchanlist of known channels in the universe
    xchatbookmarked chat rooms
    xconfigas pconfig but for channels with no local account
    xignchannels ignored by friend suggestions
    xlink"friends of friends" linkages derived from poco, also ratings storage
    xpermOAuth/OpenID-Connect extensible permissions permissions storage
    xprofif this hub is a directory server, contains basic public profile info of everybody in the network
    xtagif this hub is a directory server, contains tags or interests of everybody in the network